NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Aki Laaksonen +12F46437342746337343333+1282
2Lauri Saarinen +16F47437552535354453435+1686
2Valtteri Varmola +16F37535343558437343434+1686
4Antti Räisänen +19F56636253449436364433+1989
5Jon Grönvall +20F37536362756335553445+2090
5Wilhelm Takala +20F46538343447545464443+2090
7Ville Saarinen +21F45526352949337554433+2191
7Klaus Väisälä +21F47527364856535353343+2191
9Karo Kreander +23F47557453556336463354+2393
10Jenni Grönvall +31F47537454759348473444+31101
11Nestori Vainio +34F48647373748356466544+34104

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The result was updated on: 2019-08-17 18:44:30. Free is used

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