NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Ott Kangur+2F3333433433+232
2Richard Karukäpp+3F4333444332+333
3Ron Kadak+7F3343444543+737
4Samuel Sulp+13F5434665343+1343
5Kaur Metsmaa+14F5436356543+1444
6Tobias Nikopensius+16F5455554544+1646
7Leo Fishel+17F5655633554+1747
8Lukas Õunamaa+19F6544745554+1949
8Riko Kubja+19F5456735473+1949
8Hugo Pedastik+19F5545764454+1949
11Kenert Piks+21F4646555574+2151
12Kennert Koemets+22F4665665464+2252
13Jako Hermann+24F7547655384+2454

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The result was updated on: 2019-08-25 14:04:22. Free is used

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