NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum  
1Simo Luoma +9F333334443222434333-1569184
2Jani Lindström +13F333333343222444334-15613188
3Asmo Karvinen +20F333334352343435333+36020195
4Fabrizio Ferrara +21F343433563334634334+106721196
5Mikko Rinne +24F333334433433343333+15824199
6Aki Koukila +32F334433543233544233+46132207
7Janne Koskinen +33F354533463234555334+137033208
8Petri Halonen +41F343434543332424353+56241216
9Juhana Sorvo +44F465545693344675565+359244110
10Santeri Tiikkainen +95F453443453424534423+96695270

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The result was updated on: 2019-09-01 12:16:56. Free is used

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