NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Stefan Åkerstedt -4F332233332333343342-452
2Simon Lindgren 0F342333323235433334056
2Robin Berglund 0F353343232333333334056
2Thomas L 0F433442332324424342056
5Linus Åkerlind +1F333233444333323344+157
6Dennis Lindström +2F443333432434433332+258
6Oscar Axelsson +2F334353332424234343+258
6Pontus Netzell +2F432533422426333324+258
9Patrick Elvgren +4F342343233334344354+460
10Oscar Ågren +6F544432343425423334+662
11Lars Bergström +16F363334443555533553+1672
12Edwin Åkerlind +25F444544545478533534+2581
13Erik Olausson +33F565556354556555464+3389
14Thord Olausson +35F474556345347865564+3591

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The result was updated on: 2020-01-05 13:01:53. Free is used

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