NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Olli Reinikainen -6F233243323443334343-656
2Tuomo Auravuo -4F332333434353444322-458
3Janne Toivanen -2F334233423243434535-260
3mikko suomalainen -2F422235323374444323-260
5Niko Kivimurto -1F334344433324435333-161
6Harri Laamanen +1F444236433333335433+163
7Saku Rusko +2F333334334335435444+264
8Juho Laamanen +4F434325534433434633+466
9Antti Matikainen +5F432545533354335433+567
10Petteri Rusko +18F553455544444546544+1880
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts
Inside bullseye putt

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The result was updated on: 2020-05-18 19:41:52. Free is used

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