NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Marek Korindt, Endrik Tamm-11F3233233232223242233-1149
1Kristo Vaikmaa, Mallor Mettis-11F2323223233322342233-1149
3Werner Grün, Rein Ant-9F3333222233233333233-951
3Ralf Rogov, Karl Räis-9F2224343332322234223-951
5Heitti Randkivi, Rasmus Sepp-8F3234233232333323323-852
6Johannes Sepp, Madli Vaht-7F2333333232243224324-753
7Robi ., Marten Orav-5F3334233232332333334-555
7Andres Peilman, Chuck Czepyha-5F2334343233223323334-555
7Kevin Lehtjõe, Mikk Pihkva-5F2234252232343232434-555
10Mihkel Vällik, Veikko Leemet-4F3324332333332333433-456
11Alvar Haab, Vahur Tima-2F3234233333433333334-258
12Kristo Vallimäe, Marje Mölder-1F2355343232343233423-159
13Kals Risto, Rauno Teder0F3234343542333233433060
14Marek Mandel, Timo Mandel+1F3335243343333343324+161

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The result was updated on: 2020-06-22 20:21:12. Free is used

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