NoName+/-Thr A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718 C+/-Sum  
1Martin Annuk +42F334333445445244653433+117942331
2Oliver Kennik +5915454354644424345+116159330
2Antti Niemi +5918335455534435344387+197859339
4Topi Sarha +6215354353854534334+126262333
5Jari Taskinen +701722455553355444354+126870347
6Kaspar Palgi +9218334353555454358776+268592372
7Remi Fady Punak +10015454465336644446+1868100371
8Jyri Sarha +1241745553657655453484+2884124401
9Heljo E. Kaasik +1321734453669458355465+2985132409
10Kati Jägel +14915466455545644357+2373149420
11Marja Unt +192F445655657566565466645+43111192481

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The result was updated on: 2020-07-05 18:01:09. Free is used

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