NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516172021222324252627+/-Sum
1Kalevi Louhivuori +8167334542352443642+861
2Jani Ketonen +10F3443443338235343333553523+1091
2Antti Eräkangas +10F3442253334334333533763633+1091
4Markku Liimatainen +12F2333373434327343333464733+1293
5Jyri Sariola +14F4342453335436442533563542+1495
6Kimmo Turunen +18F3433454336335343453654733+1899
7Jussi Chydenius +22F5533453437336444443453734+22103
8Jaska Korkalainen +26F4444464436237473444563543+26107
9Tommi Gröhn +27F3444363348336443444793543+27108
10Pasi Laito +37F35444744410447344453664663+37118

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The result was updated on: 2020-07-31 20:00:32. Free is used

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