NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Sampo Kurvonen -8F222342333322342332-848
2Timo Kantelinen -6F323332333423232522-650
3Jose Soinio -5F233352432332233323-551
4Sami Ollikainen -4F423253342233332323-452
4Eemeli Aalto -4F322542333222342334-452
6Teijo Koivujärvi -3F333342443232242333-353
7Juho Väisänen -1F223343333432332534-155
7Teemu Leppälahti -1F331443433232352334-155
9Nino Närvä 0F433242434323343333056
9Matias Patama 0F233443342333333334056
9ville-pekka palonen 0F333252333322453433056
12Luka Närvä +2F322552633233342343+258
13Veikka Niemi +3F622234342332542534+359
14Saku Raunio +4F333342444423453333+460
15Kimmo Lahtinen +7F443353344422253633+763
16Toni Äikäs +10F444353335435333533+1066
17Topi Mikkola +12F443454335434334543+1268
18Arto Saviluoto +16F665344444433352444+1672
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts
Inside bullseye putt

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The result was updated on: 2020-07-31 19:31:38. Free is used

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