NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324+/-Sum
1Jukka Lintula -6F332332333323233532423222-666
2Ville Tanni -4F234333333323223332432423-468
3Aki Jukkola -1F334232323333343333542223-171
4Jari Hankela +1F243334333424234323342333+173
5Tomi Palmi +3F334333423333243333333533+375
5Guido Mondragon +3F343322432322444443433333+375
7Ilkka Reipas +4F243334432334434333433422+476
7Kymä Haapasalmi +4F345354323323333333423333+476
9J-P Okero +7F334334323223455533433432+779
10Jarmo Hankela +11F344334333343234443534533+1183
11Ihan Arto Vaan +12F335354524322344432732344+1284
12Jussi Palkonen +14F354443353433344333333553+1486

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The result was updated on: 2020-09-12 18:51:47. Free is used

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