NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Pro Open (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
Bullseye hit11%
Green hit56%
Outside circle putt1
Inside circle putts11111111121112188%
Inside bullseye putt2
2Elias Gripler -8F342323232332233225-849
Bullseye hit17%
Green hit39%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts11111111111183%
Inside bullseye putt8
4Petri Kalliomäki -4F333243343333222334-453
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts
Inside bullseye putt
6Tobias karlsson 0F252333443244433224057
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts11
Inside bullseye putt
7Anders Viklund +3F363423342444333324+360
9Lars Eriksson +4F345323433343344334+461
10Adam Nygren +8F243353445355333334+865
11Peter Gripler +9F353334242453444445+966
12Andreas Ryman +46F344333477787777778+46103
Pro Open Women (5)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Therese Molin +5F343343343444532334+562
2Sandra Sjöstrand +16F363343444565443435+1673
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts11
Inside bullseye putt
4Beatrice Nyström +32F454545564576753545+3289
5Zabina Östlin +72F787777777787777778+72129
Recreational (28)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Dennis Hartzell +1F445322332444332235+158
1Mathias Strand +1F363334323234333334+158
1Filip Abramsson +1F234334242244345225+158
1Bastian Werme +1F343344233363323324+158
5Adam Stål +2F344424332353342334+259
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts11
Inside bullseye putt
7Lennart Wahlgren +3F262233332563443423+360
7Hans Westberg +3F252232343343454524+360
9Erik Lundqvist +5F343343332544443235+562
9Freddy Schönning +5F243543343363343324+562
9Fredrik Englund +5F333333244633363235+562
9Johan Olhans +5F343434332336343344+562
13Tobias Beji +6F445233443344443333+663
14Sebastian Hedström +7F444433332355343335+764
14Patrik Strand +7F456333333443333434+764
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit11%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts11211212122111111275%
Inside bullseye putt0
17Markus Grannäs Granath +8F433433433544432337+865
18Alexander Carlsson +9F555234333444245343+966
18Marcus Larsson +9F553243344343433535+966
20Kent Andersson +12F2343343423454534310+1269
21Magnus Ottosson +13F355343443345634434+1370
22Josef Dyrelov +14F453353333465542535+1471
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts1112121112221111
Inside bullseye putt
22Markus Hedblom +14F344333343633435845+1471
25Björnar Oppegård +16F256324344464653336+1673
26Emil Forsman +17F453454454444443445+1774
27Linus Sjöström +23F365444543463652439+2380
27Anton Stenman +23F355533733575635336+2380
Intermediate (5)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Niklas Sjögren +2F344334432333533333+259
2Alex Upamai +4F244334353344343324+461
2Peter Edh +4F343423234353533434+461
4Stefan Lindström +5F654335332334342234+562
5Daniel Edberg +6F445332335334333345+663

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The result was updated on: 2020-09-05 13:13:17.

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