1Simon Wiik -6F332322323-623
2Andreas Herrgård -3F333333323-326
3Jaakko Leimola -2F332423334-227
4Tobias Björkgren 0F434333324029
4Mikael Rosenberg 0F342333344029
6Jonas Pörtfors +1F344333334+130
7Eemil Söderlund +3F433334354+332
8Joel Hahn +4F543343344+433
8Christoffer Heir +4F643443324+433
8Simon Sunabacka +4F533433444+433
11Mats Backlund +5F544433344+534
11Lucas Hahn +5F444343435+534
13Noel Kock +10F445443438+1039
13Jonatan Hahn +10F644444445+1039
13Tobias Kock +10F645433545+1039
16Sven Lindberg +13F734444466+1342
17Melinda Grägg +16F744455655+1645

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The result was updated on: 2020-09-14 18:56:57. Free is used

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