NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Arturs Rullis -2F334423453235522334-260
2Krists Kulmanis +9F843433462334543435+971
3Harijs Zēģele +11F455823552344543533+1173
3Uğis Dinsbergs +11F433474463345633533+1173
5Roberts Pēkšens +12F443493453555424424+1274
6Oskars Morozovs +13F733634463344544444+1375
6Oskars Sidra +13F743523563345644533+1375
8Mārcis Vītols +14F634455562535624434+1476
9Kārlis Pētersons +16F443454663537634533+1678
9Sandis Vitols +16F4436535634341045333+1678
11Kārlis Švampe +17F753834453355722733+1779
12Kims Sinkevics +19F653483962335733434+1981
13Kristaps Grīnbergs +21F433464874346645543+2183
14Madars Rullis +25F535674472567734543+2587
14Singurs Zariņš +25F634537572555735654+2587
14Sandis Krekovskis +25F464654463344945934+2587
17Gundars Šmithens +44F54551854945341034855+44106

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The result was updated on: 2020-10-04 12:02:18. Free is used

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