NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Elias Gripler -15F224322332222322332-1544
2edvin humble +5F625433233434333553+564
3Jacob Shamaon +6F435433264233343553+665
4artur kal +9F437734343333323553+968
5Adam Hellberg +13F345433353433345665+1372
6Jörn klawan +14F438443553344333464+1473
7peter nord +15F437333355534353663+1574
8Timothy skeppar +16F558453353344334454+1675
9Eric Lindstedt +18F536433464455335563+1877
9emil sundkvist +18F557534454353334572+1877
11Kim Karhusaari +24F558745544433334574+2483
12Anthon Andersson +26F636544464464345665+2685
13Max Tjernsten +67F777777777777777777+67126

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The result was updated on: 2020-10-07 19:26:04. Free is used

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