Round 1 Daylight Savings Spring EveningsDaylight Savings Spring Evenings 22/10/20Daylight saving social league 29/10/2020 "Tombstone Handicap"Daylight savings social round "Random disc"Daylight Savings Social Round 12/11/2020 Daylight savings spring casual round 19/11/2020 - EddisonDaylight savings social round 26/11/2020 "random disc" v2Daylight savings social round "teams"Daylight Savings Social Round - shot variationSum
1Jack Lovell 57587837685853409
2Shaun Archer 484257574543292
3Nick Mason 494253235448269
4Jake Armes 507027594556307
5Tom Rugg 5062285148239
6Chris Krajacic 32675141191
7Aaron Lumaksana 54687356251
8Monir Farhadi 462762135
9Charles Hoke 696750186
10Jonathan M 574185183
11Darren Boulton 464490
12Harry Murray 494998
13Paul Murray 5851109
14Simon Reid 9364157
15Shaun and Nick100100
16Robb and Chris102102
17Robb Muir 4646
18Alex and Jake5353
19Cameron McDonald 5454
20Austin D'Alessandro 5656
21Chris K 5151
22Aaron and Peter5959
25Jeremy Carruthers 2828
26Kevin Santo 5858
26Lachlan Cashman 5858
28Peter Monus 6464
29Paul Manley 6060
30Alex muir 6363
31Sarah Rottet8484

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