NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Andreas Waser 0F533432333254434233059
1Sili Puliafito0F334342433243434244059
3Dani Schmid +21734342334245334244+257
3Simon Meyer+2F233333433356433334+261
3Benji Fischer +2F443333333244544243+261
6Benjamin Sutter +3F343442334344444342+362
6Rony Stäheli +3F243333353244444533+362
8Bruno Z’Rotz +4F333443343354344244+463
9Marco Puliafito +5F443433333354434434+564
10Marcel Murer +13F443444434365535344+1372
11Stee Thiebau+15F444454434355445345+1574
12Stefan Schmid +19F343454434485844353+1978
13Beat Mas Bakal +20F454543445466645343+2079

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The result was updated on: 2020-10-24 19:52:26. Free is used

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