NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324+/-Sum
1Oleg Tsernobrovkin +18F333553343343335364863363+1895
2Sander Lember +21F343743344343455355563453+2198
3Oliver Maaker +22F443543445343334463654465+2299
4Andrus Naulainen +32F443843436473345464665445+32109
4Mikk Sepp +32F453734334453445555774483+32109
6Timo Porila +44F564943456464535675674463+44121
7Tanel Tamm+46F654863554554445776764454+46123
8Ege Sepp +51F364854447584365476874565+51128
8Sassa Porila +51F654865556555555554675484+51128
10Mihkel Tamm Jr+144F7118109777771111710131410814811888+144221

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The result was updated on: 2020-11-01 14:53:06. Free is used

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