NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314+/-Sum  
1Oleg Tsernobrovkin +1F422333426432530461109
2Sander Lember +6F32534345344443+5516114
3andro tsernobrovkin +7F43243352543354+4507115
4Ervin Lember +13F52434344343343+34913121
5Uku Volke +20F53333545543343+75320128
6Mikk Sepp +23F43434354663353+105623131
7Andrus Naulainen +29F74335454343253+95529137
8Priit Raamat +31F54435454544344+125831139
9Ege Sepp +41F55644463564462+186441149
10Ivo Raamat+43F55444545464553+176343151
11Kristjan Jansen +56F76845466554483+297556164
12Sander Aru +57F74345465355555+206657165

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The result was updated on: 2020-12-25 15:25:16. Free is used

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