1Mikko Pekkarinen -15F322322224-522-1566
2Hannu Pekkarinen -14F232422322-522-1467
3Teemu Kosunen -11F324223323-324-1170
4Aaro Huttunen -10F324222332-423-1071
5Toni Ruuskanen -6F433333323027-675
6Jani Miettinen -5F322323223-522-576
7Antero Saarelainen -4F342432323-126-477
8Miika Marin 0F335232323-126081
9Henri Jokikokko +3F333333423027384
10Eemi p+51F554544446+144151132

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The result was updated on: 2021-01-17 12:25:14. Free is used

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