NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Lucinda Hunt, Mario Tolberg-10F333343322222232233-1047
1Priit Kõiv, Che Taylor-10F342222322433223332-1047
3Kairi Koobakene, Mathew WALLIS-8F333332332332333322-849
3Oliver Brown, James-8F332333332323333322-849
5Rhys Wisniewski, Andrew Wiz-7F333332432333322332-750
5Danny su, Tanga Waetford-7F433332332332332332-750
5Jack Lemon, Louis Serpo-7F333233332323333332-750
8albert munoz, Quito-5F343333322333332432-552
9Mathew Lamy, Matthew lazzaro-3F433333322433343323-354
10Paul Comninos, Lisa Wallis-1F333332433323532434-156
11Matt reid, Stephen+11F445343444344444334+1168

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The result was updated on: 2021-03-28 04:02:03. Free is used

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