NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415+/-Sum
1Mattias Hedberg -12F111111111211122-1218
2Patrik Eriksson -11F211121112211111-1119
2fritiof fagergren -11F221111111122111-1119
4Kevin Klangebo -9F111111221112222-921
5Petri Blomberg -8F111112221112222-822
6Simon Lindgren -7F111221111222222-723
6Philip Bergquist -7F111121222211222-723
6Erik Liljeberg -7F111221122211222-723
6Glenn Bodin -7F111121112222222-723
10Rikard Wallström -6F112112212122222-624
10Linus Ã…lander -6F111221122212222-624
10Javier Flores -6F211112221122222-624
10Tobias Forsberg -6F221111212222212-624
14Johan Eibrand -51411111222222222-523
15ida gemvik -4F122221122212222-426
16Sanni Forsberg -1F122222222222222-129
16Emelie Tjernkvist -1F221222222222222-129

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The result was updated on: 2021-03-28 16:32:55. Free is used

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