NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Veikka Niemi -8F232333433322232332-848
2Timo Kantelinen -7F232432432333232332-749
3Jaakko Laurila -6F222333423233253332-650
4Alex Repo -5F323234452222242333-551
5Timo Mäkelä -4F322342433222344333-452
5Jose Soinio -4F333233335222333423-452
7Teijo Koivujärvi -3F322343333233343333-353
8Nino Närvä -1F233342443232333533-155
8Taavi Mäkelä -1F232442523323242453-155
8Antti Ruopsa -1F322352333333442424-155
8Matias Patama -1F224343432343332532-155
12Jussi Jatkola +2F323352434233244434+258
13Onni Kohvakka +3F324362544223243532+359
13Jari Latva-Hakuni +3F322443445223352434+359
13Stefan Tiihonen +3F222462544322342543+359
16Jyri Matilainen +4F332343543332453433+460
16Toni Äikäs +4F433252443423353433+460
18Vernon Helander +5F224343343333264534+561
19Jere Mäkinen +7F324343454242443354+763

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The result was updated on: 2021-04-11 15:40:58. Free is used

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