1Esko Sepponen -4F232232-414
2Tuomo Saari -3F232332-315
3Santtu Reinikainen -2F332332-216
3Niko Sinkkonen -2F323332-216
5Petteri Tuokko 0F333333018
5Juho Niva 0F232443018
5Timo Roth 0F432333018
5Tomi Hämäläinen 0F422523018
9Toni Järvinen +1F332335+119
10Tero Hämäläinen +2F333533+220
10Janne Sandelin +2F332354+220
12Gareth Cairns +4F233842+422

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The result was updated on: 2021-07-28 19:19:14. Free is used

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