NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Siim Rand +5F335433633466343324+568
2Magnus Koit +9F345232525445444637+972
2Trevor Püssim +9F335223535454564337+972
4Karl Johan Kastein +10F335342526364556344+1073
5Sander Laanbek +13F337334434355456347+1376
6Kermo Platov +14F3443536352644453310+1477
7Joonas Juurikas +16F525333844445545348+1679
7Rasmus Lüll +16F334334644365556537+1679
9Siim Agu +19F536433637356564436+1982
9Margo Mölder +19F356333535487455535+1982
11Raiko Põllu +20F536335734386455355+2083
12Kaur Männik +24F457445635465455447+2487

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The result was updated on: 2021-08-29 13:06:22. Free is used

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