Avoin (891=>) (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Tomi Rahikainen -8F324323242-225-8110
2Markku Kivelä -5F233233343-126-5113
3Harri Aaltonen +81F44233333202781199
Metrix rating <= 890 (6)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Mika Mäkinen +1F233333233-2251119
2Kimmo Raikaa +5F323233232-4235123
3Jarno Kolu +10F333322235-12610128
4Markus Yläpoikelus +17F233334254+22917135
5Mika Tähtinen +79F777777777+366379197
6Petri Leppänen +82F777777777+366382200

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The result was updated on: 2021-10-23 14:06:52. Free is used

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