NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
Pro Open (48)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Benjamin Böhm -8F4223223332223-833
1Timothy Lizotte -8F3322323332223-833
3Max Feist -5F3223333332432-536
3Alberto M. Tellez -5F4222233432333-536
3Michel Voigt -5F5233223332323-536
6Malte Meistering -4F3244322342332-437
6Christian Lembrecht -4F3233223432343-437
6Lars Spillner -4F3323323342333-437
9Julian Danielczik -3F4533223432322-338
9Johannes Everding -3F4233232533323-338
9Tim Blanken -3F4233323322434-338
9Robert Nemak -3F3233333434223-338
9Ivan Ilin -3F5222332343333-338
9Keanu buck -3F3333323333333-338
15Tim Mönnich -2F4223333244333-239
15William Kringel -2F4332323443323-239
15Torben Reisgies -2F3333332334333-239
15Felix Scholder -2F4233422343333-239
15Niklas Schwetke -2F4333223342334-239
15Philipp Stadler -2F3433332342333-239
15Tim Kurzeknabe -2F4223333334333-239
15Christoph Acktun -2F3333323333334-239
23Greg Snell -1F4234423334323-140
23Paul Bornemann -1F4234332432343-140
23Luca Kurzeknabe -1F5343323332333-140
23Felix Bartling -1F4233423433333-140
27Darius Schulz 0F3434332343333041
27Carsten Stein 0F3233423354333041
27Thomas Jahn 0F4323343342334041
27Christoph Petzke 0F4232333434334041
27Tobias Böge 0F5232424342343041
32Thomas Beilicke +1F7323223353333+142
32Fabian Altvater +1F4333333443333+142
32Markus Nowc +1F4223323644333+142
35Michel Kurzeknabe +2F5233432353343+243
35Colin Köllmann +2F4234333334452+243
37Tim Fügmann +3F4233243643334+344
37Jan Weckenbrock +3F5225433344333+344
37Daniel Zacharias +3F4343333433434+344
37Christoph Ladendorf +3F4334334443333+344
37Florian Klann +3F4333224345335+344
37Gunnar Friedrichsen +3F7233423434333+344
43Silas Grümmert +4F4244424343443+445
43Mario Diemann +4F5333343345333+445
45Hauke Segert +5F6233333535334+546
45Lars Mohr +5F3334352455333+546
47Nicolas Dreessen +6F3233444743334+647
48Marco Strebel +8F6334333455343+849
Pro Open Women (4)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Maike Lizotte -1F5342323334233-140
2Gudrun Haese +7F4334434542345+748
3Sara Krieg +8F5434443444334+849
4Friederike Trebeß +14F5335433546644+1455

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The result was updated on: 2021-09-18 12:22:56. Free is used

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