NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718 @+/-Sum
STEADY (0-999 Metrix) (17)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718 @+/-Sum
1Alex OG -9F2334233322222223332-948
2Andreas Voole -7F3333324322233322322-750
3Marten Ritson -6F3335332423233222222-651
4Teet Reinson -5F4222423343233323322-552
5Taavi Vällo -3F2322533333224333323-354
5Kaido K. Mikk -3F3223423432234333332-354
5Martin Abel -3F3224333333335222242-354
8Heitti Randkivi -1F2444343323333323232-156
8Werner Grün -1F4224322333423433324-156
10Neeme Milva 0F3333323433443223342057
10Taavi Truu 0F3232333233435342333057
12Ago Lepanurm +1F3243423332535323422+158
12Martin Annuk +1F3253324332225232336+158
12Martin Ojase +1F3334334442244223242+158
12Madis Otti +1F4224233433243242443+158
16Ott Koppel +2F3346442333243133332+259
17Keiu Tetsmann +4F2323243244444343334+461

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The result was updated on: 2021-09-23 14:17:28. Free is used

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