1Andreas Ed Glindemann -5F323223322-522
1Philipp Neuhäußer -5F333223222-522
3Felix Simmendinger -3F323333223-324
4Feliciano Banano -2F224333233-225
4Thilo Stoewahse -2F222254233-225
6Christoph Ladendorf -1F322334432-126
7Milan Q Schultz 0F233333433027
7Thorsten Glindemann 0F433334223027
9Lars Puchtler +1F332335342+128
10Moritz Joachim +2F323254343+229
11Arne Knörck +3F334253343+330
12Florian Sautter +8F234474353+835

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The result was updated on: 2021-11-07 11:55:37. Free is used

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