NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
Pro Open (33)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Luca Kurzeknabe -6F3333222333323-635
1Tim Fügmann -6F4233323242232-635
1Malte Meistering -6F4223322332333-635
4Alberto M. Tellez -4F4232233333243-437
4Thomas Beilicke -4F4233322343323-437
6Dirk Haase -3F4333323332333-338
7Thomas Jahn -2F4432323343323-239
7Felix Simmendinger -2F4333333332333-239
7Julian Danielczik -2F4333324432323-239
7Frank Buchholz -2F4332332334234-239
11Markus Deichsel -1F4323323352235-140
11Christian Brumme -1F6323343332323-140
11Holger Hill -1F4333343332333-140
11Christian Lembrecht -1F3343332345322-140
15Max Feist 0F3323544333323041
15Lars Mohr 0F5423333432324041
15Tim Bader 0F4333332443333041
15Michael Tietz 0F5333322452333041
19Robin Poppenberg +1F4433333433324+142
19Eike Schilling +1F3333532443333+142
19Jan Weckenbrock +1F4235343333333+142
19Berko Guschall +1F4334252344332+142
19Stefan Lenz +1F4334333342433+142
19Christoph Petzke +1F4333633342332+142
19Andreas Ed Glindemann +1F4423343334333+142
26Silas Grümmert +3F4234344334334+344
26Christian Puhan +3F4333423433444+344
26Mario Diemann +3F5333333434343+344
26Johannes Struve +3F4434323344343+344
30Tobias Böge +4F7433323344333+445
31Carsten Stein +5F5334433444333+546
31Simon Zastrow +5F4333433355334+546
33Nils Begemann +6F5333343355433+647

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The result was updated on: 2021-10-30 16:35:32. Free is used

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