9-7 vuotiaat (7)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Jesper Paavola +8F454533644+838
2Paavo Kervola +11F565343645+1141
3Paavali Penttinen +12F664433745+1242
4Alex Stenman +15F465444747+1545
5Aaron Stenman +20F565745846+2050
6Konsta Katainen +21F4854431058+2151
7Oiva Kärmeniemi +32F69555413510+3262
12-10 vuotiaat (5)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Verneri Valtonem +9F455534535+939
2Bomberi +10F653543536+1040
2Rami +10F554434636+1040
4Luca Raitonen +11F693333545+1141
5Lassi Ilves +14F566444645+1444

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The result was updated on: 2021-11-06 15:49:46. Free is used

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