Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating

NoNameRatingResultHCSum (Result-HC)
1Adrian K. Bieniecki794318.5822.42
2Kati Uusmaa7293411.2922.71
3Maarika Mihhailova7013612.4623.54
4Indrek Tääts890304.5825.42
5Huko Laanoja924313.1727.83

NoName+/-Thr123456 789+/-Sum
1Indrek Tääts +3F244433433+330
2Adrian K. Bieniecki +4F435333343+431
2Huko Laanoja +4F244334542+431
4Kati Uusmaa +7F345434443+734
5Maarika Mihhailova +9F346345533+936

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The result was updated on: 2022-04-10 17:48:18. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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