NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Steinar Tande -3F234332522323-334
2Martin Sandaker -2F323222434334-235
2Erik Steinsgard -2F223243423325-235
2Alexander Lapschies -2F323333343323-235
5Ole Øystein+2F324542334324+239
6Kristen Odde +3F422233444435+340
6David Sedlacek +3F324442334335+340
8Bodil Daae +5F424323343365+542
8Tom Daae +5F334334335434+542
10Håvard Vole+6F254333434435+643
11Stian Bakken Bårstad +7F433343345435+744
12Kjartan Ous +10F433535543525+1047
13Gro Anita Vole +20F437465344476+2057

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The result was updated on: 2022-09-24 14:58:52. Free is used

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