NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Miika Berg -4F332433332233233243-451
2Joonas Granö +4F333543333443344232+459
3Emmilotta Lamberg +9F443543243443444333+964
3Valtteri Kosonen +9F443535333333344443+964
3Cem Nukki +9F353434243443336334+964
6Saku Sipilä +13F453734334443334344+1368
7Risto Lintula +14F436553343353443344+1469
8Lauri Sipilä +16F323846435353344335+1671
9Kristian Repo +18F433745343443464354+1873
10Henri Sipilä +20F444555334563456234+2075
10Juhani Tång +20F337743347433326436+2075
12Hanna Sipilä +41F645956556764456544+4196

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The result was updated on: 2022-05-26 14:18:51. Free is used

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