Dame (13)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Camilla Pile Pedersen 0F443223334+128081
2Marit Sæther +9F345343333+431990
2Ina Årbogen +9F243353334+330990
4Emma Overrein +13F344544434+8351394
5Therese Ryen +14F643355442+9361495
6Kristin Dretvik Hultmann +20F544334344+73420101
7Maria Grytdal +22F545444334+93622103
8Andrine Bjørnsrud +23F446424344+83523104
8Marte Lohne +23F354433546+103723104
8Ida Bakkeid +23F365455334+113823104
11Hanne Følstad +27F645533425+103727108
11Siri Vadseth Martinsen +27F465445534+134027108
13Pernille Tollås +28F645433444+103728109

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The result was updated on: 2022-05-14 14:32:59.

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