Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating
No | Name | Rating of Metrix | Rating of score | Change |
1 | Helmi Pihelgas | 592 | 679.8 | 87.8 |
2 | Artur Mölder | 877 | 950.99 | 73.99 |
3 | Tair Lääne | 891 | 950.99 | 59.99 |
4 | Remo Lääne | 874 | 931.62 | 57.62 |
5 | Roland Tammela | 897 | 950.99 | 53.99 |
6 | Reimo Lohu | 901 | 931.62 | 30.62 |
7 | Simar Villmann | 1009 | 1038.16 | 29.16 |
8 | Lauri Kaasik | 926 | 950.99 | 24.99 |
9 | Ahti Villmann | 889 | 912.25 | 23.25 |
10 | Rivo Pajur | 981 | 999.42 | 18.42 |
11 | Rasmus Tammemets | 918 | 931.62 | 13.62 |
12 | Veiko Tuisk | 948 | 960.68 | 12.68 |
13 | Fred Poom | 891 | 902.56 | 11.56 |
14 | Julius Urb | 945 | 950.99 | 5.99 |
15 | Asko Krais | 1007 | 1009.1 | 2.1 |
16 | Kristo Raik | 1027 | 1028.48 | 1.48 |
17 | Kristo Vallimäe | 968 | 960.68 | -7.32 |
18 | Allar Kuppart | 917 | 902.56 | -14.44 |
19 | Marius Jaanverk | 898 | 863.82 | -34.18 |
20 | Henry Tilk | 909 | 873.51 | -35.49 |
21 | Madis Soopa | 908 | 844.45 | -63.55 |
22 | Regina Lukk | 819 | 718.54 | -100.46 |
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View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | TableThe result was updated on: 2022-06-10 21:08:57. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used
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