NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Tuomas Rytilahti -6F2233232223-624
2Jesse Kosonen -3F2422333323-327
2Mika Holopainen -3F3433332222-327
4Jukka Vieri -1F3333333323-129
4Joni Hatanpää -1F2232334433-129
6Jussi Heinonen +1F4333334323+131
6Henry Roslund +1F4323334324+131
8Roope Siponen +2F5323333433+232
9Reko Kauranen +4F4333335343+434
10Sakari Kauranen +6F4534344333+636

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The result was updated on: 2022-06-10 18:57:18. Free is used

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