NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Jouni Holma -3F233335333252345335-360
1Tomi Karjalainen -3F233335325243435334-360
3Joonas Holma 0F333434233354545333063
4Touko Pigg +3F253325424352544436+366
5Veli-Matti Holma +5F233346323353445645+568
6Juha h +6F332336335353636435+669
7Magnus Koski +7F332435334553536445+770
8Elia Pigg +8F343337324353646435+871
9Samuel Pigg +9F333426345254655336+972
10Anton Holma +10F443426344254655435+1073
10Lauri Westerholm +10F632435336353545454+1073
12Elias Karjalainen +16F233337536364647545+1679
13Luukas Lohi +18F444446445363656445+1881
14Ilmari Holma +19F344437435374756445+1982

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The result was updated on: 2022-07-16 13:56:21. Free is used

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