1Anton Blomquist -1F333232234443-136
2Noa Fridell 0F322332245344037
3Magnus Tranefors +2F434433234243+239
3Richard Forsman +2F334443234333+239
5Anders Lejon +4F334433244434+441
5Caleb Björnler +4F423232234349+441
7Filip 18Bird Westermark +6F353333335345+643
8Jesper Tranefors +8F353343354444+845
9Jacob Kasshanna +9F335343436444+946
10William Cederlöf +11F333444343467+1148
11Adam Hildenborg +14F444542455446+1451

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The result was updated on: 2023-01-07 14:23:47. Free is used

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