Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating
No | Name | Rating of Metrix | Rating of score | Change |
1 | Henry Tilk | 895 | 893.41 | -1.59 |
2 | Tanel Tombak | 679 | 660.26 | -18.74 |
3 | Allar Kuppart | 931 | 904.52 | -26.48 |
4 | Erkko Kuningas | 911 | 882.31 | -28.69 |
5 | Marek Nuut | 864 | 826.8 | -37.2 |
6 | Simar Villmann | 976 | 937.83 | -38.17 |
7 | Mauri Villmann | 1033 | 982.24 | -50.76 |
8 | Sigritly Villmann | 703 | 649.16 | -53.84 |
9 | Madis Soopa | 914 | 860.11 | -53.89 |
10 | Helle Villmann | 649 | 571.44 | -77.56 |
11 | Ahti Villmann | 897 | 815.7 | -81.3 |
12 | Rainer Villmann | 919 | 826.8 | -92.2 |
13 | Helmi Pihelgas | 710 | 615.85 | -94.15 |
14 | Marko-Marten Villmann | 785 | 649.16 | -135.84 |
15 | Iko Järvik | 853 | 693.57 | -159.43 |
16 | Anti Villmann | 833 | 604.75 | -228.25 |
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View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | TableThe result was updated on: 2023-04-01 15:57:27. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used
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