NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Valeriy Ivanov -4F3223234233-427
2Sergey Pashkov 0F3333334333031
3Egor Mikushin +1F3343335323+132
3Ilya Cherkasov +1F4333334234+132
3alex dizy +1F3323335343+132
6Михаил Евсеев +2F4333433343+233
7Иван Савельев +3F4333335334+334
7Sergei Petrukhin +3F4333335433+334
7Andrey Nikolaev +3F3334445233+334
10Vladimir Tokunov +4F3333346433+435
10Dima Vasilev +4F3343435433+435
12Sasha Lapushkina +5F3333456333+536
13Anna Doshchenko +9F4444545343+940
14Igor Sidorenko +11F4443645444+1142
15Maxim Ivanov +15F5544457444+1546
16Игорь Антонов +19F4565457455+1950

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The result was updated on: 2023-06-03 10:57:46. Free is used

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