NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
A-Klasse (5)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Christian Klinge -9F223232222224-928
2Hape Bruns -7F222333222234-730
2Thomas Gerling -7F322323322224-730
4Andreas Feldhaus -5F232323322235-532
5Thomas Hennecke -2F322235432234-235
B-Klasse (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Marc Hille -6F223233322324-631
1Andre Amuta -6F222333422332-631
3Kevin Fischer -5F222322333325-532
3Ralf Piechnik -5F323334322322-532
3Ingo Bielawski -5F223233323234-532
6Michael Sinne -4F332333323224-433
7Philipp Schulte -3F442324223224-334
7Stephan Franke -3F222226432324-334
9Lars Stanke -2F432323423234-235
10Kevin Ladage -1F522335423322-136
11Alexander Paskowski 0F334333323334037
12Peter Fischer +1F333334433324+138
C-Klasse (14)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Sven Dannat -7F223233222324-730
2Sven Pipjorke -5F222333522224-532
3Max Dörfler -4F323233432233-433
3Lukas Dux -4F442332222333-433
5Frank Märtins -2F342323533322-235
5Ulrich Piechnik -2F323253323234-235
7Marcel Tetzlaff -1F322236423234-136
7Siegfried Metter -1F442322622333-136
9Samuel Tetzlaff Calamonte +1F243233533235+138
9Dirk Klosa +1F333334423334+138
11Matthias Kettenring +2F233333433237+239
12Benjamin Fischer +4F323333444444+441
12Nico Rahe +4F343344432236+441
14Frank Austermann +5F343235443335+542
D-Klasse (10)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Jannik Thumann -4F222334332324-433
2Jonas Märtins 0F342335422234037
3Reinhard Ruberg +1F343334532224+138
3Bernd Dicke +1F334333323326+138
5Anja Märtins +2F432334522335+239
6Petra Skuraß +3F323334423337+340
7Jörn Blondrath +4F333334542245+441
8Johannes Harlaar +5F432335423346+542
9Rita Ruberg +6F423345542326+643
10Dennis Goersmeier +8F323345535336+845
E-Klasse (12)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Markus Zaydowicz -7F222223332234-730
2Tim Tschorn -2F332243323334-235
3Thorsten Bichtemann -1F322344332334-136
3Tobias Kampe -1F333334542222-136
5Markus Schwetlick 0F322234432336037
6Regina Witt +1F324334522235+138
6Lukas Knapp +1F223435422344+138
8Pia-Isabelle Bremer +3F542245323235+340
9Frederik Pöpsel +4F334244442335+441
10Vanessa Pope +5F333335433435+542
11Frederieke Ruberg +8F433335643335+845
12Victoria Grosser +29F7455467546310+2966

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The result was updated on: 2024-03-10 14:12:36. Free is used

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