NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011+/-Sum
1Ragnar Lall -6F22333222233-627
2Mikk Sepp -1F32234333423-132
3Oleg Tsernobrovkin 0F34332233343033
3andro tsernobrovkin 0F32332224354033
5Sander Lember +2F22242343274+235
6Andrus Naulainen +4F54424343233+437
6Ulla Volke +4F23334443344+437
6Oliver Maaker +4F24453246223+437
6Timo Porila +4F32345334433+437
10Madis Vaher +7F32444335444+740

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The result was updated on: 2024-03-16 16:18:21. Free is used

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