NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011+/-Sum
1Teemu Vesala -4F23243423224-431
2Mika Pääskynen -1F33333433243-134
3Viljami Männikkö +1F43233633234+136
4lauri turunen +5F33444444235+540
5Jarmo Kujanpää +6F34344533435+641
5Samuli Koho +6F44443534343+641
7Jesse kaipainen +7F34363435335+742
7Pekka Raitanen +7F34554633333+742
9Simo Leino +8F33535633435+843
10Erno Korpiaho +14F334510634344+1449
11Mikko Kainulainen+15F36348553544+1550

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The result was updated on: 2016-05-19 09:13:37. Free is used

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