Avoin (11)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum  
1Markus Mattila -7F222432322-522-747
2Elias Rekikoski -6F222333522-324-648
3Mika Ojala -2F223322434-225-252
4Joonas Rekikoski 0F223532224-225054
5Olli Mattila +1F233432334027155
5Jani Virtanen +1F332322534027155
7Jimi Jokinen +2F333322433-126256
8Joni Immonen +3F224522345+229357
9Onni Murtonen +4F335322633+330458
9Jesse Hovilehto +4F262422344+229458
11Rami Ojanen +6F233524533+330660

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The result was updated on: 2024-04-21 14:53:45. Free is used

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