1Ingemārs Stalšāns -3F333333232-325
Zēni un Meitenes līdz 18 gadu vecumam (5)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Brendons Baļulis +6F433625353+634
2Raivo Kārkliņš +13F446444555+1341
3Leila Tretjakova+20F537464658+2048
3Mariss Tretjakovs+20F546565656+2048
5Līga Lipšāne+24F754666765+2452
Vīrieši 18+ (8)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Roberts Kotāns -2F332333342-226
2Juris Jēgers 0F342423343028
3Haralds Lūsis +1F333322634+129
4Tomass Kozlovskis +2F342333444+230
5Toms Valainis+5F443425434+533
6Matīss Polis +7F563434343+735
6Karlis Stukans +7F543445433+735
8Andris Andrejs Žvagins+11F633546453+1139
Sievietes 18+ (3)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Elīna Greine +7F444445343+735
2Katrīna Rūmniece-Pakule +25F1054555856+2553
3Daiga Rubene +28F854647895+2856

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The result was updated on: 2024-04-24 19:21:33. Free is used

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