1lucas grandalen -1F343333342-128
2Julian Svendsen +2F443333344+231
3Endre Vhile +3F534343343+332
4Målfrid Holtebekk +6F644432453+635
4Josefine Tveit +6F364434443+635
6Ingeborg Larsen +8F345445534+837
7Ayla Grønneberg +9F448344434+938
7Line Sølvberg +9F346543634+938
9Iben Sandholdt +10F354545544+1039
10milica vojnovic +15F566543456+1544
11Tea Bajunovic +17F566465653+1746

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The result was updated on: 2024-05-22 10:57:30. Free is used

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