1Petri Saloniemi -3F223333234-325
1Jasper Kovamäki -3F234224323-325
3Akseli Saloniemi -2F324223532-226
3Aapo Koivumäki -2F234224333-226
5Jarkko Huhtala -1F325233333-127
5Vili Syvänen -1F234234234-127
5Samuel -1F225234423-127
8Kasper Vienola 0F245333233028
9Sampo Kankare +1F235333433+129
10Eino Lamminmäki +5F535334334+533
11Leevi +7F345434444+735
12Waltteri Lähteenmäki +14F528466533+1442

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The result was updated on: 2024-06-11 18:52:40. Free is used

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