Ammattilaiset (Avoin) (6)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Joni Kujansuu -8F322322223-821
2Marcus Peurala -7F223323223-722
2Thomas Tuovinen -7F223223224-722
4Lauri Huhdanpää -1F233333344-128
5Tomi Gourlay 0F434333333029
6Joni Rantanen +3F233334536+332
Amatöörit (Metrix-rating 850-900) (2)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Jyrki Järventausta 0F333433334029
2Marko Huhdanpää +1F333433335+130
Noviisit (Metrix-rating alle 850) (5)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Arttu Laatu -1F333432235-128
2Jenna Hylkinen 0F433432235029
2Jari Järventausta 0F334333235029
4Hannu Peurala +2F333433345+231
4Jari Nieminen +2F333433345+231

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The result was updated on: 2024-06-19 19:57:31. Free is used

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