NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Tim Granström -6F333345334252244423-659
2Sebastian Cronholm -1F433245334344363424-164
2Emil Solax -1F344364322362233545-164
4Adam Lindberg +2F334245332255443636+267
5Sebastian Saal +7F445355422364443446+772
6John Boman +10F343345432395343755+1075
7Tim Jansson +12F434445444364353557+1277
8Lucas Eriksson +13F354455454484342437+1378
9Morgan Båskman +17F355456524585345634+1782
10Harry Beeks +20F335466444375473746+2085
10Rickard Hjärner +20F537365344484363656+2085
10Bert Johansson +20F444355434378464944+2085
13Conny Solax +27F445457445494454749+2792

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The result was updated on: 2024-06-24 22:57:10. Free is used

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