NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Petja Koivisto -6F332232232332-630
2Jaakko Leimola -4F333322322333-432
2Joni Hatanpää -4F333233223323-432
4Tatu Lehtinen -3F343223233332-333
5Harri Salonen -2F232423324333-234
6Mika Holopainen -1F333333324323-135
6Edvard Karhumaa -1F233433233432-135
6Oskar Löfberg -1F343332323333-135
6Saku Penttilä -1F322234332443-135
10Roope Siponen 0F333333333333036
11Jukka Vieri +1F343333233433+137
12Tatu Lindberg +5F333445243334+541
12Andreas S Backlund +5F334334245424+541

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The result was updated on: 2024-08-29 18:58:16. Free is used

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